

hey it’s me
  • 2019/9/20 13:20:15 来自: 我变成了游戏宠物?狐娘?!  

    What’s up guys, #4 donator here (quick flex).
    I gotta say, this is definitely one of the most entertaining light-novels I have ever read. The plot, character development, pacing, and especially world building are all top of the notch compared to other books. That is all until the last two seasons.
    There are a TON of plot holes that weren’t covered in the end. To me, it felt like the ending was way too rushed. The final boss didn’t feel like a final boss to me, but rather just another obstacle along the way.
    Overall through, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Like I said in another review, this is the oasis to the desert that surrounds me. I’m so glad I found this. Thank you for the beautiful story!

    9.5/10, a must see.

    你认为这篇评论:有用 29

- 2019/9/24 9:44:12回复
看不懂呀![em:sfgirl:017] - 2019/9/24 21:23:28回复
是大佬[em:sfgirl:035] - 2019/10/2 20:33:09回复
夸你写的好,但是有很多坑没填,结尾感觉太仓促,最终boss不像最终boss,总的来说,好书[em:sfgirl:002] - 2019/10/5 20:08:19回复
too rush 可以这么用吗 - 2019/10/6 7:12:00回复
@憂欎 not the way you are using it. Rush is different than Rushed, the former being a verb and the latter being an adjective. - 2019/10/6 7:12:20回复
@Tonyhz You can only use “too” in front of adjectives, like too short, too small, too weak - 2019/10/13 23:16:46回复
所以为啥你要用英文啊 - 2019/10/13 23:17:14回复
被绑架了可以再发一篇[em:sfgirl:001] - 2019/10/18 16:49:50回复
清奇[em:sfgirl:004] - 2019/12/20 23:00:18回复
为了鼓励有益的分享, 少于140字的评论将在短评页面里发表。

> 去我变成了游戏宠物?狐娘?!的页面
更新:2022/12/31 22:46:56

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