בעת בריאת השמים והארץ, ברא אלהים את עדן.
אלהים הקם את בנותיו בתוך עדן וברא להן גן עדן.
אלהים אמר, "תהיה אור בעולם, יהיו הרים ויהיו ערבות." וכך בעדן היו יום ולילה, הרים ונחלים, ערבה ירוקה.
אלהים הביט וראה כי טוב.
אלהים אמר, "תהיה בעולם חיות, פרחים, דגים בנחלים וציפורים בשמים." וכך, הערבות פרחו בפרחים יפים, מושך פרפרים. הנחלים התמלאו בדגים, והשמים מלאו בציפורים שהיו מלוות את בנותיו. לציפורים היו כנפיים כמו בנות האלהים והן שרו לידן בכל יום.
אלהים הביט וראה כי טוב.
ביום השלישי, אלהים העלה את הכוכבים סביב עדן, ממנם הם עתידים לתת שעות. מאז, היו ליום ולילה אורך קבוע, השמש, הירח והכוכבים עומדים לפי הזמן, ובעולם הזה הייתה עת.
אלהים הביט וראה כי טוב.
אלהים סרבל לפרקם את הפרדס שבראה, והם הביטה כי זה היה טוב. היא אספה את האוויר לעננים, והעננים נאספים למטרה. במהלך הזמן, העולם קיבל ארבעה עונות.
אלהים הביט
In the time of creation, God brought forth Eden.
God placed His daughters in Eden and created a paradise for them.
God said, "Let there be light, mountains, and meadows in this world." And so, in Eden, there were day and night, mountains and rivers, and lush green meadows.
And God saw that it was good.
God said, "Let there be animals, flowers, fish in the rivers, and birds in the sky." And so, the meadows bloomed with beautiful flowers, attracting butterflies. The rivers teemed with fish, and the sky was filled with birds that accompanied His daughters. These birds had wings like God's daughters and sang by their side every day.
And God saw that it was good.
On the third day, God lit the stars around Eden, appointing them to mark the passage of time. Henceforth, day and night had their fixed length, and the sun, moon, and stars appeared punctually. This world now had time.
And God saw that it was good.
God surveyed the paradise He had created and found it pleasing. She gathered the air into clouds, and the clouds gathered into rain. As time passed, this world acquired four seasons.
And God saw that it was good.
God said, "With rain and the four seasons, the grassland shall produce vegetables and trees bearing fruit with seeds according to their kinds." And so, various vegetables and crops grew on the grassland, along with trees bearing fruit with seeds. And God saw that it was good.
God's daughters lived in Eden, carefree and with wings on their backs, allowing them to travel to every corner of the world. However, this world was still lacking humans. So, God fashioned the first person from the mud of the grassland, in the likeness of the angels but without wings.
God said, "You shall govern this land, making it fertile and abundant. I grant you all the land-dwelling animals, the birds of the air, and all the crawling creatures. You shall tend to them with hard work."
The person nodded and carried out God's command. And God saw that it was good..
God beheld everything She had made, with evenings and mornings, mountains and rivers, and the grasslands teeming with various forms of life.
Heaven and Earth and all their inhabitants were complete.
On the seventh day, God's work of creation was finished, and She rested from all Her work.